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Exploring Aliens & UFOs Through Ancient Texts - Christian Mysticism

Writer's picture: Peter SousaPeter Sousa

Welcome, beloved community. We are the Church of New Enchantment, a new age Christian mystical virtual church and spiritual advocacy group. We seek to explore the mysteries of the universe through the lens of faith, ancient wisdom, and spiritual alignment.

Today, we delve into a topic that has captured the attention of many—aliens and UFOs. As sightings become more frequent, people ask, ‘What does this mean for us spiritually? Does the Bible, the Kabbalah, or other ancient texts offer insight?’ Together, we will explore these questions.

Let’s begin with the Bible. In Ezekiel 1, we find one of the most mysterious passages describing a vision Ezekiel had by the river Chebar. It says, ‘As I looked, behold, a stormy wind came out of the north, and a great cloud, with brightness around it, and fire flashing forth continually, and in the midst of the fire, as it were gleaming metal.’ Ezekiel goes on to describe the ‘living creatures’ he saw, and many have interpreted this as one of the earliest recorded sightings of a UFO or extraterrestrial beings. Some say Ezekiel’s vision was of divine beings, but others suggest he might have been witnessing an otherworldly event.

We also find hints in the Book of Enoch, a text revered by early Christians and Jewish mystics. Enoch speaks of interactions with the Watchers—angelic beings who descended from the heavens and interacted with humanity. In 1 Enoch 6:1-2, it says, ‘And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them.’ These angels, who descended to earth, are often depicted as cosmic beings. Their interaction with humanity led to the birth of the Nephilim, described as giants and beings of great power. Could these angelic visitors be interpreted as a form of ancient extraterrestrial contact? Are they entities from other realms or even other worlds?

The Kabbalistic tradition provides another layer of understanding. The Zohar, a foundational text of Kabbalah, suggests that the universe is filled with multiple realms and dimensions, some physical and some purely spiritual. The Zohar explains that there are energies, beings, and entities that exist beyond the physical plane of earth, often moving between dimensions. In Zohar Vayera 119a, it is written, ‘There are worlds upon worlds, and realms upon realms, beyond what human eyes can see.’ Could UFOs and extraterrestrial beings be manifestations of these otherworldly realms crossing into ours? Kabbalistic thought invites us to see beyond the physical and accept that other dimensions exist beyond our understanding.

Let us also consider what Jesus said in the New Testament. In John 18:36, he says, ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ While he was referring to a spiritual kingdom, could this also hint at realms beyond earth that we have yet to comprehend? This could align with the idea that God’s creation is vast, perhaps extending beyond our planet, including beings or worlds that we have yet to fully encounter.

It’s important to approach this topic with discernment. In 1 John 4:1, the Bible says, ‘Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.’ Not every encounter or sighting is necessarily benevolent. Just as the Watchers in the Book of Enoch descended with their own agendas, we must be cautious when considering interactions with entities that may not have our best interests at heart. Are they here to help, to observe, or to interfere?

As spiritual seekers, we are called to remain open yet discerning. The Bible, the Kabbalah, and the Book of Enoch remind us that the universe is filled with mysteries and realms beyond what we can see. Whether these beings are angels, Watchers, or something else entirely, we are encouraged to seek divine guidance. We pray for wisdom and insight, so that we may understand what is unfolding in our world with clarity and faith.

In conclusion, while the Bible and other ancient texts provide hints and insights into otherworldly beings, they also remind us to seek God’s guidance. As the mysteries of the universe unfold before us, may we walk in faith, discernment, and spiritual understanding, knowing that all things are part of God’s vast creation.

Thank you for joining me today. To learn more, become a participant, or join our free minister program, visit us at We welcome you to deepen your spiritual journey with us.



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